- Each dumbbell adjusts from 5 to 52.5 pounds; adjusts in 2.5-pound increments up to the first 25 pounds
- Lets you rapidly switch from one exercise to the next
- Combines 15 sets of weights into one, using a unique dial system
- Eliminates the need for multiple dumbbells cluttering your workout space
- Two year warranty on weight plates and parts
Recent Posts
Mint Tea is a popular herbal tea, frequently used to make
iced tea as well as hot tea. Mint tea has a cooling quality and makes a
particularly refreshing iced tea, both when used alone or when blended
with other herbs or with green or black tea.
Varieties of Mint:
There are many varieties of mint, including both natural species, and hybrids and cultivars. Spearmint (Mentha spicata) and peppermint (Mentha x piperita) are the most common types of mint used in tea. Apple mint (Mentha suaveolens) is also common, and resembles spearmint in flavor although it has fuzzy leaves. Usually when the term "mint tea" is used and no variety of mint is specified, it means spearmint tea. The mint family also contains a number of other species used in tea, including lemon balm, oswego tea, and many culinary herbs. Cultivars such as pineapple mint and orange mint can also be used in tea, although they are less widely available commercially.
Health Benefits of Mint Tea:
Many mints have numerous traditional medicinal uses. The research on the health benefits of mint tea is young and few human studies have been done--it is not fully known the degree to which various benefits shown in lab studies actually transfer to people drinking mint tea. However, there is preliminary evidence suggesting that mint may have a variety of benefits:
Safety of Mints and Side Effects:
Most mints (including spearmint and peppermint) are safe for use as a food seasoning or herbal tea, but the mint family is large and diverse and contains some plants which are less safe. A few species, including pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), can be poisonous in large doses.
Buying or Growing Mint for Tea:
Dried spearmint and peppermint for use in tea are widely available from a number of online tea retailers, but the best mint tea is made from fresh leaves. Although fresh mint can be purchased at some supermarkets, it is expensive and it is usually easier to grow the plant yourself. Almost endless varieties of mint plants are available at nurseries. Plants in the mint family also can be grown very easily from cuttings. Mints are very easy to grow (and can easily take over your yard or garden) in moist temperate climates. They are not quite as vigorous in hotter or drier climates, but can be grown outside their preferred range with some extra car
Varieties of Mint:
There are many varieties of mint, including both natural species, and hybrids and cultivars. Spearmint (Mentha spicata) and peppermint (Mentha x piperita) are the most common types of mint used in tea. Apple mint (Mentha suaveolens) is also common, and resembles spearmint in flavor although it has fuzzy leaves. Usually when the term "mint tea" is used and no variety of mint is specified, it means spearmint tea. The mint family also contains a number of other species used in tea, including lemon balm, oswego tea, and many culinary herbs. Cultivars such as pineapple mint and orange mint can also be used in tea, although they are less widely available commercially.
Health Benefits of Mint Tea:
Many mints have numerous traditional medicinal uses. The research on the health benefits of mint tea is young and few human studies have been done--it is not fully known the degree to which various benefits shown in lab studies actually transfer to people drinking mint tea. However, there is preliminary evidence suggesting that mint may have a variety of benefits:
- Caffeine free - Like most herbal teas, all plants in the mint family are 100% caffeine free.
- Antioxidants - Spearmint, peppermint, and other mints have been found to be rich in antioxidants, a broad class of chemicals thought to promote overall health by preventing damage to the body and protecting against cancer and tumors.
- Iron absorption - There is evidence that mint tea can improve the body's ability to absorb iron. In middle eastern countries, it is common to brew black tea together with spearmint. Black tea is known to inhibit iron absorption; mixing mint with black tea can mitigate these effects.
- Antibacterial and antifungal activity - In vitro studies have found spearmint, peppermint, and other mints to inhibit the growth of, and kill, harmful bacteria, including MSRA (a dangerous antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria). Spearmint also has been shown to prevent the growth of a number of types of harmful fungi.
- Stomach & gastrointestinal benefits - Peppermint has been traditionally used to settle the stomach and treat certain gastrointestinal problems. There is some evidence that it is effective at treating irritable bowel syndrome.
Safety of Mints and Side Effects:
Most mints (including spearmint and peppermint) are safe for use as a food seasoning or herbal tea, but the mint family is large and diverse and contains some plants which are less safe. A few species, including pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), can be poisonous in large doses.
Buying or Growing Mint for Tea:
Dried spearmint and peppermint for use in tea are widely available from a number of online tea retailers, but the best mint tea is made from fresh leaves. Although fresh mint can be purchased at some supermarkets, it is expensive and it is usually easier to grow the plant yourself. Almost endless varieties of mint plants are available at nurseries. Plants in the mint family also can be grown very easily from cuttings. Mints are very easy to grow (and can easily take over your yard or garden) in moist temperate climates. They are not quite as vigorous in hotter or drier climates, but can be grown outside their preferred range with some extra car
The good news for people with ulcers is that there are many
effective, safe, herbs that are available that can help ulcers to heal.
One of the main herbs is licorice, with a number of clinical studies
confirming its usefulness in treating ulcers. In addition to licorice,
there are several anti-inflammatory, ulcer-healing, stomach-soothing
herbs. All are pleasant tasting and safe for long-term use. Using them
in combination can be especially helpful. Several options are listed
below for your convenience, depending on what you have available and
find desirable.
People with ulcers are often advised to avoid alcohol. But alcohol-based tinctures are one of the easiest ways to take many of the herbs that help ulcers. If you're using tinctures rather than teas, put the recommended dose in a cup, add boiling water and allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes. This helps evaporate some of the alcohol, which can worsen ulcers. You can also substitute glycerin extracts, known as glycerites; use the same dosages. (The best way to take ulcer herbs, however, is in a tea.)
If your ulcer is caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and you prefer not to take antibiotics, preliminary scientific studies show good results using a combination treatment of licorice, vitamin C and manuka honey. (This honey is made by a specific type of bee. You can find it in some health food stores.)
Take licorice in the following dosage: 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried root in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of tincture three times per day; or chew 1 or 2 tablets of deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) licorice three times per day before meals. Add 3,000 to 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C plus 1 tablespoon of manuka honey three or four times per day. If you experience diarrhea or burning in the stomach, reduce the dose.
Continue the treatment for two months. After that, you should be retested for the bacterium. If it is still present, go for the antibiotics.
Potatoes, oatmeal and cabbage help sooth ulcers from the inside out. Cabbage juice is one food treatment that studies have shown may be helpful for ulcers. Cabbage juice is high in a chemical called glutamine, which may stimulate the stomach to produce more of a protective compound called mucin. To achieve this protective effect, you need to drink about four cups of juice a day in divided doses.
Other ulcer strategies:
*Avoid foods that worsen symptoms. Avoid vinegar, sharp wines and too fatty foods.
*Take supplements of vitamins A and E if you think you may not be getting enough of these vitamins. You need 10,000 IU of vitamin A (or 15,000 to 25,000 I U of beta-carotene) per day and 400 to 800 I U of vitamin E per day.
*Boost your fiber intake.
*Avoid smoking and coffee (including decaf).
*Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
The premier ulcer-healing herb, licorice seems to work as well as ulcer-¬treating drugs, but with fewer side effects. Instead of inhibiting acid production, it strengthens the stomach's normal protective mechanisms and induces healing. It may even help eliminate H. pylori, the bacterium at fault in many ulcers. Licorice has also been shown to decrease ulcer formation caused by drugs such as aspirin. Unlike whole licorice, a form of the herb called DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice, can be taken by people with high blood pressure and those who take heart or blood pressure drugs.
Typical dosage: 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried root in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of tincture three times per day; or 1 or 2 tablets of DGL licorice chewed three times per day before meals. (Because DGL licorice is activated by saliva, it does not work as well if you simply swallow it.) Caution: DGL licorice may cause diarrhea in some people. Whole licorice should not be used if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have heart disease, liver disease or diabetes, or if you are taking heart or blood pressure drugs. Limit use of whole licorice to six weeks unless under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
This lovely, old-fashioned herb promotes healing, decreases inflammation in the stomach, and can ease the anxiety that may be perpetuating the ulcer. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
These beautiful orange or yellow flowers are anti-inflammatory and wound-healing. They are also mildly astringent, which helps reduce bleeding. So if bleeding is one of your ulcer symptoms, calendula is a good choice. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried flowers in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
This remedy for the gastrointestinal tract contributes to ulcer healing by decreasing inflammation, protecting and soothing the stomach lining, and reducing excess acidity. It is also mildly astringent. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes). Caution: avoid meadowsweet if you are allergic to aspirin; it contains a chemical relative of aspirin. Use for high pain cases as an adjunct to chamomile.
Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)
When water is added to this soothing root, a rich mucilage, or slippery substance, forms that helps it coat and soothe an irritated ulcer. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day, sipped frequently throughout the day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried root in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes or steep the same amount in cold water overnight); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day. Caution: the mucilage in marshmallow may absorb other drugs taken at the same time, so, if you are using other drugs, ask your practitioner's advice about a dosage routine.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
The bark of this tree is another herb that forms mucilage to protect, soothe and heal the stomach lining. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried bark in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes or steep in cold water overnight); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Golden Seal Root - a wonderful specific anti-inflammatory for the gut system, also able to resolve bacteria and mucus problems that contribute to gut and digestive disorders.
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris)
Another mucilage-former, this herb can be prepared the same way as marshmallow or slippery elm. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried bark in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes or steep the same amount in cold water overnight); or to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Plantain (Plantago major)
A common garden weed that grows almost everywhere in the world, plantain has soothing, astringent, antibacterial and wound-healing properties. Typical dosage: 3 to 4 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to
2 teaspoons of dried leaves or 1 tablespoon of fresh herb in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Oil of Oregano- kills the h. Pylori bacteria that eat the stomach lining, causing ulcers.
Ingredients for Making Ulcer Remedy Blend
2 part licorice root tincture
1 part marshmallow root tincture
1 part chamomile flower tincture
Tinctures have a shelf life of 5 to 7 years depending on the quality of your storage conditions. Recommended dosage for adults: 20 drops, 4 times daily.
Bonus: The recipe above can also be used as a tea blend when the tincture is substituted for dry herb!
No matter how many years the person has suffered with ulcers, or has had ineffective treatment for stomach and duodenal ulcers, these are usually eliminated in five weeks or less (but it is a good idea to continue with the Digestive Disorders Tincture for at least another few weeks or the condition will probably re-occur). The main dietary advice is to avoid vinegar, sharp wines and too fatty foods.
By Stephanie L Stuart
People with ulcers are often advised to avoid alcohol. But alcohol-based tinctures are one of the easiest ways to take many of the herbs that help ulcers. If you're using tinctures rather than teas, put the recommended dose in a cup, add boiling water and allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes. This helps evaporate some of the alcohol, which can worsen ulcers. You can also substitute glycerin extracts, known as glycerites; use the same dosages. (The best way to take ulcer herbs, however, is in a tea.)
If your ulcer is caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and you prefer not to take antibiotics, preliminary scientific studies show good results using a combination treatment of licorice, vitamin C and manuka honey. (This honey is made by a specific type of bee. You can find it in some health food stores.)
Take licorice in the following dosage: 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried root in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of tincture three times per day; or chew 1 or 2 tablets of deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) licorice three times per day before meals. Add 3,000 to 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C plus 1 tablespoon of manuka honey three or four times per day. If you experience diarrhea or burning in the stomach, reduce the dose.
Continue the treatment for two months. After that, you should be retested for the bacterium. If it is still present, go for the antibiotics.
Potatoes, oatmeal and cabbage help sooth ulcers from the inside out. Cabbage juice is one food treatment that studies have shown may be helpful for ulcers. Cabbage juice is high in a chemical called glutamine, which may stimulate the stomach to produce more of a protective compound called mucin. To achieve this protective effect, you need to drink about four cups of juice a day in divided doses.
Other ulcer strategies:
*Avoid foods that worsen symptoms. Avoid vinegar, sharp wines and too fatty foods.
*Take supplements of vitamins A and E if you think you may not be getting enough of these vitamins. You need 10,000 IU of vitamin A (or 15,000 to 25,000 I U of beta-carotene) per day and 400 to 800 I U of vitamin E per day.
*Boost your fiber intake.
*Avoid smoking and coffee (including decaf).
*Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
The premier ulcer-healing herb, licorice seems to work as well as ulcer-¬treating drugs, but with fewer side effects. Instead of inhibiting acid production, it strengthens the stomach's normal protective mechanisms and induces healing. It may even help eliminate H. pylori, the bacterium at fault in many ulcers. Licorice has also been shown to decrease ulcer formation caused by drugs such as aspirin. Unlike whole licorice, a form of the herb called DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice, can be taken by people with high blood pressure and those who take heart or blood pressure drugs.
Typical dosage: 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried root in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of tincture three times per day; or 1 or 2 tablets of DGL licorice chewed three times per day before meals. (Because DGL licorice is activated by saliva, it does not work as well if you simply swallow it.) Caution: DGL licorice may cause diarrhea in some people. Whole licorice should not be used if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have heart disease, liver disease or diabetes, or if you are taking heart or blood pressure drugs. Limit use of whole licorice to six weeks unless under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
This lovely, old-fashioned herb promotes healing, decreases inflammation in the stomach, and can ease the anxiety that may be perpetuating the ulcer. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
These beautiful orange or yellow flowers are anti-inflammatory and wound-healing. They are also mildly astringent, which helps reduce bleeding. So if bleeding is one of your ulcer symptoms, calendula is a good choice. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried flowers in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
This remedy for the gastrointestinal tract contributes to ulcer healing by decreasing inflammation, protecting and soothing the stomach lining, and reducing excess acidity. It is also mildly astringent. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes). Caution: avoid meadowsweet if you are allergic to aspirin; it contains a chemical relative of aspirin. Use for high pain cases as an adjunct to chamomile.
Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)
When water is added to this soothing root, a rich mucilage, or slippery substance, forms that helps it coat and soothe an irritated ulcer. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day, sipped frequently throughout the day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried root in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes or steep the same amount in cold water overnight); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day. Caution: the mucilage in marshmallow may absorb other drugs taken at the same time, so, if you are using other drugs, ask your practitioner's advice about a dosage routine.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
The bark of this tree is another herb that forms mucilage to protect, soothe and heal the stomach lining. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried bark in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes or steep in cold water overnight); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Golden Seal Root - a wonderful specific anti-inflammatory for the gut system, also able to resolve bacteria and mucus problems that contribute to gut and digestive disorders.
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris)
Another mucilage-former, this herb can be prepared the same way as marshmallow or slippery elm. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried bark in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes or steep the same amount in cold water overnight); or to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Plantain (Plantago major)
A common garden weed that grows almost everywhere in the world, plantain has soothing, astringent, antibacterial and wound-healing properties. Typical dosage: 3 to 4 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to
2 teaspoons of dried leaves or 1 tablespoon of fresh herb in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Oil of Oregano- kills the h. Pylori bacteria that eat the stomach lining, causing ulcers.
Ingredients for Making Ulcer Remedy Blend
2 part licorice root tincture
1 part marshmallow root tincture
1 part chamomile flower tincture
Tinctures have a shelf life of 5 to 7 years depending on the quality of your storage conditions. Recommended dosage for adults: 20 drops, 4 times daily.
Bonus: The recipe above can also be used as a tea blend when the tincture is substituted for dry herb!
No matter how many years the person has suffered with ulcers, or has had ineffective treatment for stomach and duodenal ulcers, these are usually eliminated in five weeks or less (but it is a good idea to continue with the Digestive Disorders Tincture for at least another few weeks or the condition will probably re-occur). The main dietary advice is to avoid vinegar, sharp wines and too fatty foods.
By Stephanie L Stuart
Nowadays there exist a great number of different cosmetic
products. Companies, which produce skin care cosmetics, are advertizing
and presenting their goods as the best and most astonishing. We can see
perfect compositions of different skin care products. They include all
the best ingredients such as: useful oils, great number of vitamins in
combination with natural essences of vegetables and fruits. They all
promise to help you to reduce of wrinkles and to become younger, to get
rid of acne forever. Of course, all these ingredients are very useful
for your skin but we must know for sure how do they function and what
impact will they produce on your skin.
There are seven basic ingredients which are included almost in every composition of the skin care cosmetic product. Let`s see what skin type they are best for.
Vitamin C
Products with Vitamin C make your skin brighter and add brilliance to it. It also prevents from influence of free radicals on your skin. If you will try to use it for a long time, then your skin will become more shining. It perfectly suits to dry and normal skin.
Vitamin E
Premature aging can be easily fought with the help of products containing Vitamin E. It is rich in nutrients which helps to avoid damage caused by free radicals, such as smoke and pollution. When using Vitamin E you can remove signs of aging. It suits to every type of skin, especially for normal.
For those who have combination skin, products containing seaweed are perfect. It means that your skin is not oily, but you may have some oily areas. Seaweed is full of vitamins and minerals from the ocean. It is so useful because they are cleaning the skin thoroughly and don`t have drying effect on your skin.
If you have too sensitive skin, then products containing aloe are just for you. People, who often have irritation or red skin, will appreciate aloe. We all know that it is a very gentle ingredient and it helps to soothe the skin. It is also suitable like start point for teenagers skin care.
Shiitake Mushrooms
It may sound surprising but nowadays one of the major natural ingredients that serves as anti-age cosmetic product is shiitake mushroom. Thanks to them skin looks much younger because it promotes the renewal of skin cells. It protects your skin from premature aging by blocking proteins that are responsible for this. Also it provides your skin with anti-oxidants and that makes your skin look more fresh and shining.
Oil of tea tree
If you have an oily type of skin than you should definitely use tea tree oil. It removes oil from your skin and functions as an antiseptic. It is very effective in treatment of acne and it also helps to reduce or even remove blemishes. To achieve maximum effect you should use it for a long period of time. As for application on dry skin it will be rather harsh and is able to dry up your skin even more.
Argan oil
It is extracted from a fruit tree which grows in Morocco. It is often used in order to moisturize your skin, to remove scars left from acne, to avoid stretch marks. Nowadays it is often used in protection of elasticity of hair and in order to support its health.
By Maria K. Garcia
There are seven basic ingredients which are included almost in every composition of the skin care cosmetic product. Let`s see what skin type they are best for.
Vitamin C
Products with Vitamin C make your skin brighter and add brilliance to it. It also prevents from influence of free radicals on your skin. If you will try to use it for a long time, then your skin will become more shining. It perfectly suits to dry and normal skin.
Vitamin E
Premature aging can be easily fought with the help of products containing Vitamin E. It is rich in nutrients which helps to avoid damage caused by free radicals, such as smoke and pollution. When using Vitamin E you can remove signs of aging. It suits to every type of skin, especially for normal.
For those who have combination skin, products containing seaweed are perfect. It means that your skin is not oily, but you may have some oily areas. Seaweed is full of vitamins and minerals from the ocean. It is so useful because they are cleaning the skin thoroughly and don`t have drying effect on your skin.
If you have too sensitive skin, then products containing aloe are just for you. People, who often have irritation or red skin, will appreciate aloe. We all know that it is a very gentle ingredient and it helps to soothe the skin. It is also suitable like start point for teenagers skin care.
Shiitake Mushrooms
It may sound surprising but nowadays one of the major natural ingredients that serves as anti-age cosmetic product is shiitake mushroom. Thanks to them skin looks much younger because it promotes the renewal of skin cells. It protects your skin from premature aging by blocking proteins that are responsible for this. Also it provides your skin with anti-oxidants and that makes your skin look more fresh and shining.
Oil of tea tree
If you have an oily type of skin than you should definitely use tea tree oil. It removes oil from your skin and functions as an antiseptic. It is very effective in treatment of acne and it also helps to reduce or even remove blemishes. To achieve maximum effect you should use it for a long period of time. As for application on dry skin it will be rather harsh and is able to dry up your skin even more.
Argan oil
It is extracted from a fruit tree which grows in Morocco. It is often used in order to moisturize your skin, to remove scars left from acne, to avoid stretch marks. Nowadays it is often used in protection of elasticity of hair and in order to support its health.
By Maria K. Garcia
Sinus infection congestion is the worst! The unbearable sinus pain.
The oh-so-attractive mouth breathing. We've all been there...an
estimated 37 million people get at least one infection a year. That's a
lot of tissues! There are ways to ease the discomfort without running to
the doctor for antibiotics or developing an addiction to decongestant
nasal sprays. After suffering with sinus congestion for years, I've
compiled my top 3 go to remedies whenever my sinuses start to ache.
Hot Toddy! Yes, hot toddy is number one. Why? Because warm booze is the
best thing ever when you feel like crap and have sinus infection
congestion! And also, because they do work. A hot toddy is basically
liquor, honey, lemon, and either warm water or tea mixed together. I
usually reach for the Jack Daniels, but you can use any kind of brandy,
whiskey or rum you like. I also don't feel like reaching for the
measuring cup when I'm super congested, but if you must measure, here is
a go-by:
The World's Best Hot Toddy
1 ounce brandy, whiskey
or rum (or 2 ounces if you really want to knock this sinus infection
congestion out!) 1 tablespoon honey 1/4 of a lemon 1 cup of hot tea or
hot water
Hold your nose and throw it down the hatch! A cinnamon
stick, six to ten cloves, or a couple of teaspoons of brown sugar can be
added to the mix if you're not as experienced with the hot toddie, or
drinking for that matter. You should feel relief immediately, and if you
don't, rinse and repeat!
2. The Newly Popular Neti Pot - I have
to be honest. I don't understand what all the hype is about the neti
pot. Although it does feel great, the relief is very short lived. In my
experience, I'm congested again in about 5 minutes, no exaggeration.
However, I am including it on my list because it has helped keep my
allergies, cold, etc from turning into a full blown infection when used
as soon as the tell tell symptoms appear - dripping nose, sinus
congestion, etc. The neti pot has never done much of anything for me if I
already have an infection. So, as soon as your nose starts to drip, use
your neti pot twice a day or more.
3. Mucinex! Mucinex! Mucinex!
People don't realize how important mucinex is when you have an
infection. When I go to the doctor for a sinus infection, and I used to
alot, he would prescribe me mucinex and send me home. That's right, no
antibiotics, mucinex. Why? First, antibiotics are not the sinus cure
like we once thought. More studies are showing that antibiotics may
shave one day off the infection time, if that. In my experience, doctors
try to avoid giving you antibiotics. So, back to the mucinex. If you
have sinus problems yearly like I do, take mucinex as directed on the
box as soon as your nose starts to drip. Most of the time the mucinex
will prevent your cold or allergy from becoming a full on infection.
Why? Because the bacteria that causes the infection lives in your mucus.
Mucinex thins your mucus, making it easier for your body to get rid of,
therefore, getting rid of the infection. Also, removing the mucus eases
the sinus infection congestion
There are many definitions and symptoms commonly described as
"scalp infections". There are in fact quite a few quite different
reasons why your scalp may be sore, itchy, inflamed burning red or
infected. If you are like many people with chronic scalp issues - it
may be driving you completely up the wall and not knowing what it is or
how to treat the problem effectively after many unsuccessful attempts to
eliminate it can make it seem far worse - like you are never going to
get to the bottom of the problem. Well that need no longer be so! It
can be simple to diagnose and treat it now and for good.
So if you are dealing with any of these symptoms lets first identify the problem and then some of the underlying causes.
Firstly, if you want to get to the root of your problems, so to speak, you need to be able to identify what your problem actually is. Of course, many scalp infections & conditions look alike, so here is a brief description of some of the most common scalp conditions
Red Burning Itchy Scalp
Dry Scalp
Scalp Dermatitis
Eczema of the Scalp
Scalp Psoriasis
Stress Related Itching
Red burning itchy scalp
can be characterized as any tingling,burning, prickly, and sensitive to
the touch or a fiery hot sensation. Often associated with an allergy,
sunburn, chemical burn (sensitization of the scalp),or fungal infection.
Dandruff as most of us know is the process of continual shedding of skin cells on our scalps. Often the cause of dandruff is simply the result of toxins, pollutants and products that have built up on the scalp particularly products like silicone- a cheap commonly used artificial shine enhancer in conditioners sold in supermarkets.
When the natural balance of our scalps is disturbed, this creates the perfect environment for the yeast fungus Melassezia Globbosa to move in and thrive. This is when the natural process of shedding our cells gets a little out of hand resulting in an unsightly condition known as "Seborrhoeic Dermatitis" (fancy name for dandruff) and we see the highly visible tell-tale signs of flaking and crusting.
The accompanying itch and urge to scratch are often made worse by the multiplication of the fungal yeast pityrosporum-ovale (having one big party on your scalp). Another follow on effect of this is that the relentless scratching by the sufferer can cause small lesions which weep and ooze or become infected resulting in scalp infections.
Lumps bumps and sores are also common when the scalp is highly irritated or sensitivity has been aggravated. Candida can be an underlying cause of yeast infections of the scalp.
Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitols) is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. Scalp ringworm is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. Ringworm infection occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on your skin, scalp, or nails. It is far more common in children and symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, leaving bald areas. The skin might itch and be red and peel or be scaly, have swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) and looks like black dots. The rash is highly contagious. It is normally treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar. Sometimes prescription anti fungal skin medications, such as ketoconazole are needed to clear it up. There are also products direct from nature's factories that can aid the healing process and act as natural antibiotics, although it must be said that ringworm is an aggressive fungus which needs to be monitored closely and treated accordingly.
Dry scalp can feel "tight", a sensation that is sometimes accompanied by flakiness. It is often the result of natural oils being stripped from our scalps by the frequent use of shampoos, hair dyes and or other hair products.
Dermatitis of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis) is an inflammatory disorder affecting areas of the head and body where sebaceous glands are most prominent. It can vary from mild dandruff to dense flakey and greasy scale. Once again it is often an accumulation of toxins and products built up on our scalps that our body is trying to rid itself of.
Eczema of the scalp similar in appearance to Seborrheic dermatitis but instead has the name Atopic dermatitis.
Scalp Psoriasis commonly occurs on the back of the head however multiple areas of the scalp or the whole scalp may be affected. Scalp psoriasis is characterized by thick silvery white scales on patches of very red skin and can extend slightly beyond the hairline. Scalp psoriasis, despite being partially hidden by the hair is often a source of social embarrassment due to flaking of the scale and severe 'dandruff'. Scalp psoriasis may be extremely itchy or on occasion have no itch symptoms. It can also cause temporary baldness on the affected areas. It is a common, chronic, inflammatory skin disease and is associated with increased risk of melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma.
Folliculitis of the scalp is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles. It is characterized by pustules around the hair follicles and symptoms include painful brushing of hair and tenderness when rubbing your scalp around the hair follicle sites. Treating with antibiotics for the particular bacteria is the usual course of action but can eventually cause resistance to the antibiotic used. Options include applying Evoclin Foam which is topical. Folliculitis is commonly caused by staph bacteria which also reside inside the nose and sinus cavity. Natural oils such as tea tree and lavender have good antibacterial properties and can also be used to treat this condition.
If you have a bump or lump under the skin (commonly a lump behind the ears with no broken skin or rash developing, then this could be a cyst. Cysts are liquid filled pustules which can be painful when they become infected. If you have such symptoms I recommend seeing a doctor to be safe. Doctors can also treat cysts with antibiotics if they have become infected or incise them as a further but uncommon procedure if the antibiotics are not sufficient.
Stress Related Itching Stress can contribute to or worsen scalp itching as it plays havoc with our immune system and hormones which have an effect on production of sebum from your sebaceous glands. Although it can contribute to the problem it is still somewhat of a myth. It may appear that you have a"stress rash", but it is more likely that the problem was already there in a less noticeable way, then aggravated by increased stress levels making it harder for your body to deal with the problem on its own and eliminate the problem. Many of the treatments below include stress relieving properties - like Lavender oil for example which calms the mind and soothes the body.
Solutions - what YOU can do about it
Going to your doctor may be the best way to get an accurate answer to diagnosing your problem, but I understand that many of you may have already done this, been prescribed some form of medication of cream (even "heavy duty" cortisone based ones where the cortisone potency may need to be increased after time).
Often the problem either doesn't go away from the start - or seems to subside but comes back with full a vengeance later leaving you wondering with more unanswered questions and a VERY unhappy scalp! Well the good news is if you don't like using these expensive and often impotent products- or even want to help them along you can use natural remedies and essential oils known to be super effective anti-bacterial busters such as tea tree oil for instance to inhibit or stop the growth of the infection and assist healing/re balancing of the scalp.
Something that is also important to understand in curing scalp conditions and scalp infections - a factor that is missed by so many doctors, and something not disclosed by companies who sell hair products and treatments is the number of people who are allergic or sensitive to commonly used ingredients in shampoos, dandruff treatments and other hair products. In fact MOST hair products (as many as 90%) contain at least one ingredient that is used in engine degreasers, another is a common ingredient in antifreeze.
These ingredients are cheap to produce foaming agents that make shampoo foam up, and do a fantastic job of stripping dirt and oily build up from hair. Problem is that they sometimes do SUCH a good job that they remove all of the natural oils and sebum from the scalp thus removing the scalps natural against bacteria etc. Another little known fact is that the most common ingredient (Sodium laureth sulphate) is used to induce skin irritation in test patients by drug companies to test the effectiveness of their itch relief skin creams. When first produced and for year's afterwards manufacturers did not know that skin was not a barrier but an absorber of ingredients & that they caused skin irritation in so many people.
So sometimes the beginning of a scalp condition can have originated from something as simple as an imbalance to the skins (scalps) sebum or an allergy to an ingredient that can easily be rectified.
Like your immune system, if your skin has an opportunity to rebalance itself and not be subjected to "incoming foreign matter" and the daily stripping of its natural oils that further aggravates the problem you can allow your body to re balance and heal itself. Obviously buying products that do not strip your hair and scalp is an obvious step in the right direction.
Fortunately there are a lot of manufacturers such as Aveda and Akin (Purist Company) who know what consumers are suffering from these issues so have addressed this problem. They have applied this knowledge to produce some amazing products with all of the benefits of natural ingredients, with none of the side effects at a price we can afford (Akin especially). It need not be difficult, nor expensive to make these choices and a move to healthy hair and scalp long term.
So yes you can eliminate harsh shampoos containing sodium sulphates and go for natural Sulphate and paraben free shampoos that contain ingredients such as macadamia, wheat germ or jojoba oils. These oils mimic our natural sebum to some extent to help to re moisturize and nourish our scalp.
Then there are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oils which contain antibacterial, healing properties. Neem oil great for its antiquing and stops itching. You can apply these topically to your skin for fast relief, to assist healing as well as looking out for shampoos with these natural ingredients in them.
Lavender calms the skin (as does chamomile tea cooled and used as hair rinse).
As well as buying quality shampoos containing these ingredients, you can
create your own combinations of remedy or remedies to soothe your scalp.
You can also help it along by using natural remedies to treat your scalp such as this scalp treatment containing natural oils to assist healing, detoxify and stimulate hair growth: (Add to
water (4 parts water 1part oil) and spray onto scalp and you can add to your shampoo and conditioners also).
Oils To Relieve Itching: Lavender, German Chamomile and Eucalyptus Oils
(Mixed together and dabbed locally on effected areas has a soothing effect).
Neem oil is also a very good dandruff preventative which can be added to any of the formulas detailed below and is excellent for psoriasis and eczema & scalp infections.
Scalp massage with lavender oil (not scented - the real oil) is another
wonderful way to relieve the tension from a sore scalp as well as treat the
issue. It also helps to re grow hair and repair the damage done to your
follicles by chemicals in shampoos causing thinning hair. (Lavender is known to stimulate hair growth too).
There are many more powerful scalp remedies you can use to treat your scalp as well as many shampoos that are excellent value, contain no nasties to aggravate your scalp and hair follicles. It can be really simple to treat scalp problems by treating yourself to your own pampering session using natural oils to help heal your scalp infection. And then be kind to your hair and scalp by using only products that nourish your hair and scalp such as Aveda or Akin brand shampoos. You can assist the healing process and help restore balance back to your scalp and you hair will appreciate and reward you for it too by becoming less brittle, stronger and shinier.
As with all natural remedies please patch test first. It is not intended for this information to replace a doctors medical advice, so please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The responsibility of obtaining doctors diagnosis and using remedies is yours.
So if you are dealing with any of these symptoms lets first identify the problem and then some of the underlying causes.
Firstly, if you want to get to the root of your problems, so to speak, you need to be able to identify what your problem actually is. Of course, many scalp infections & conditions look alike, so here is a brief description of some of the most common scalp conditions
Dandruff as most of us know is the process of continual shedding of skin cells on our scalps. Often the cause of dandruff is simply the result of toxins, pollutants and products that have built up on the scalp particularly products like silicone- a cheap commonly used artificial shine enhancer in conditioners sold in supermarkets.
When the natural balance of our scalps is disturbed, this creates the perfect environment for the yeast fungus Melassezia Globbosa to move in and thrive. This is when the natural process of shedding our cells gets a little out of hand resulting in an unsightly condition known as "Seborrhoeic Dermatitis" (fancy name for dandruff) and we see the highly visible tell-tale signs of flaking and crusting.
The accompanying itch and urge to scratch are often made worse by the multiplication of the fungal yeast pityrosporum-ovale (having one big party on your scalp). Another follow on effect of this is that the relentless scratching by the sufferer can cause small lesions which weep and ooze or become infected resulting in scalp infections.
Lumps bumps and sores are also common when the scalp is highly irritated or sensitivity has been aggravated. Candida can be an underlying cause of yeast infections of the scalp.
Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitols) is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. Scalp ringworm is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. Ringworm infection occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on your skin, scalp, or nails. It is far more common in children and symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, leaving bald areas. The skin might itch and be red and peel or be scaly, have swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) and looks like black dots. The rash is highly contagious. It is normally treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar. Sometimes prescription anti fungal skin medications, such as ketoconazole are needed to clear it up. There are also products direct from nature's factories that can aid the healing process and act as natural antibiotics, although it must be said that ringworm is an aggressive fungus which needs to be monitored closely and treated accordingly.
Dry scalp can feel "tight", a sensation that is sometimes accompanied by flakiness. It is often the result of natural oils being stripped from our scalps by the frequent use of shampoos, hair dyes and or other hair products.
Dermatitis of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis) is an inflammatory disorder affecting areas of the head and body where sebaceous glands are most prominent. It can vary from mild dandruff to dense flakey and greasy scale. Once again it is often an accumulation of toxins and products built up on our scalps that our body is trying to rid itself of.
Eczema of the scalp similar in appearance to Seborrheic dermatitis but instead has the name Atopic dermatitis.
Scalp Psoriasis commonly occurs on the back of the head however multiple areas of the scalp or the whole scalp may be affected. Scalp psoriasis is characterized by thick silvery white scales on patches of very red skin and can extend slightly beyond the hairline. Scalp psoriasis, despite being partially hidden by the hair is often a source of social embarrassment due to flaking of the scale and severe 'dandruff'. Scalp psoriasis may be extremely itchy or on occasion have no itch symptoms. It can also cause temporary baldness on the affected areas. It is a common, chronic, inflammatory skin disease and is associated with increased risk of melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma.
Folliculitis of the scalp is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles. It is characterized by pustules around the hair follicles and symptoms include painful brushing of hair and tenderness when rubbing your scalp around the hair follicle sites. Treating with antibiotics for the particular bacteria is the usual course of action but can eventually cause resistance to the antibiotic used. Options include applying Evoclin Foam which is topical. Folliculitis is commonly caused by staph bacteria which also reside inside the nose and sinus cavity. Natural oils such as tea tree and lavender have good antibacterial properties and can also be used to treat this condition.
If you have a bump or lump under the skin (commonly a lump behind the ears with no broken skin or rash developing, then this could be a cyst. Cysts are liquid filled pustules which can be painful when they become infected. If you have such symptoms I recommend seeing a doctor to be safe. Doctors can also treat cysts with antibiotics if they have become infected or incise them as a further but uncommon procedure if the antibiotics are not sufficient.
Stress Related Itching Stress can contribute to or worsen scalp itching as it plays havoc with our immune system and hormones which have an effect on production of sebum from your sebaceous glands. Although it can contribute to the problem it is still somewhat of a myth. It may appear that you have a"stress rash", but it is more likely that the problem was already there in a less noticeable way, then aggravated by increased stress levels making it harder for your body to deal with the problem on its own and eliminate the problem. Many of the treatments below include stress relieving properties - like Lavender oil for example which calms the mind and soothes the body.
Solutions - what YOU can do about it
Going to your doctor may be the best way to get an accurate answer to diagnosing your problem, but I understand that many of you may have already done this, been prescribed some form of medication of cream (even "heavy duty" cortisone based ones where the cortisone potency may need to be increased after time).
Often the problem either doesn't go away from the start - or seems to subside but comes back with full a vengeance later leaving you wondering with more unanswered questions and a VERY unhappy scalp! Well the good news is if you don't like using these expensive and often impotent products- or even want to help them along you can use natural remedies and essential oils known to be super effective anti-bacterial busters such as tea tree oil for instance to inhibit or stop the growth of the infection and assist healing/re balancing of the scalp.
Something that is also important to understand in curing scalp conditions and scalp infections - a factor that is missed by so many doctors, and something not disclosed by companies who sell hair products and treatments is the number of people who are allergic or sensitive to commonly used ingredients in shampoos, dandruff treatments and other hair products. In fact MOST hair products (as many as 90%) contain at least one ingredient that is used in engine degreasers, another is a common ingredient in antifreeze.
These ingredients are cheap to produce foaming agents that make shampoo foam up, and do a fantastic job of stripping dirt and oily build up from hair. Problem is that they sometimes do SUCH a good job that they remove all of the natural oils and sebum from the scalp thus removing the scalps natural against bacteria etc. Another little known fact is that the most common ingredient (Sodium laureth sulphate) is used to induce skin irritation in test patients by drug companies to test the effectiveness of their itch relief skin creams. When first produced and for year's afterwards manufacturers did not know that skin was not a barrier but an absorber of ingredients & that they caused skin irritation in so many people.
So sometimes the beginning of a scalp condition can have originated from something as simple as an imbalance to the skins (scalps) sebum or an allergy to an ingredient that can easily be rectified.
Like your immune system, if your skin has an opportunity to rebalance itself and not be subjected to "incoming foreign matter" and the daily stripping of its natural oils that further aggravates the problem you can allow your body to re balance and heal itself. Obviously buying products that do not strip your hair and scalp is an obvious step in the right direction.
Fortunately there are a lot of manufacturers such as Aveda and Akin (Purist Company) who know what consumers are suffering from these issues so have addressed this problem. They have applied this knowledge to produce some amazing products with all of the benefits of natural ingredients, with none of the side effects at a price we can afford (Akin especially). It need not be difficult, nor expensive to make these choices and a move to healthy hair and scalp long term.
So yes you can eliminate harsh shampoos containing sodium sulphates and go for natural Sulphate and paraben free shampoos that contain ingredients such as macadamia, wheat germ or jojoba oils. These oils mimic our natural sebum to some extent to help to re moisturize and nourish our scalp.
Then there are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oils which contain antibacterial, healing properties. Neem oil great for its antiquing and stops itching. You can apply these topically to your skin for fast relief, to assist healing as well as looking out for shampoos with these natural ingredients in them.
Lavender calms the skin (as does chamomile tea cooled and used as hair rinse).
As well as buying quality shampoos containing these ingredients, you can
create your own combinations of remedy or remedies to soothe your scalp.
You can also help it along by using natural remedies to treat your scalp such as this scalp treatment containing natural oils to assist healing, detoxify and stimulate hair growth: (Add to
water (4 parts water 1part oil) and spray onto scalp and you can add to your shampoo and conditioners also).
Oils To Relieve Itching: Lavender, German Chamomile and Eucalyptus Oils
(Mixed together and dabbed locally on effected areas has a soothing effect).
Neem oil is also a very good dandruff preventative which can be added to any of the formulas detailed below and is excellent for psoriasis and eczema & scalp infections.
Scalp massage with lavender oil (not scented - the real oil) is another
wonderful way to relieve the tension from a sore scalp as well as treat the
issue. It also helps to re grow hair and repair the damage done to your
follicles by chemicals in shampoos causing thinning hair. (Lavender is known to stimulate hair growth too).
There are many more powerful scalp remedies you can use to treat your scalp as well as many shampoos that are excellent value, contain no nasties to aggravate your scalp and hair follicles. It can be really simple to treat scalp problems by treating yourself to your own pampering session using natural oils to help heal your scalp infection. And then be kind to your hair and scalp by using only products that nourish your hair and scalp such as Aveda or Akin brand shampoos. You can assist the healing process and help restore balance back to your scalp and you hair will appreciate and reward you for it too by becoming less brittle, stronger and shinier.
As with all natural remedies please patch test first. It is not intended for this information to replace a doctors medical advice, so please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The responsibility of obtaining doctors diagnosis and using remedies is yours.
Signs of liver trouble usually don't appear until a liver problem
has caused some damage or even compromised liver function in some way.
Generally speaking, you probably won't know you have a liver problem
until the liver trouble symptoms listed below begin to appear - that is,
unless you have liver function tests done as part of a physical exam.
Since many people never get an annual physical or liver function tests, it's especially important to become familiar with signs of liver trouble so you can recognize, as soon as possible, that you may have a liver disease or disorder.
Perhaps the clearest sign of a liver disorder is pain in the liver area, which is usually considered to be the right side of your upper abdomen. These other symptoms may appear too, including the following.
When significant liver damage has occurred, symptoms often include urine that is darker-than-normal, stools that are lighter-than-normal, and jaundice. Jaundice is a liver trouble symptom that is characterized by a yellowish tint that appears in the skin and whites of the eyes..
A condition known as hemochromatosis is another of the more serious symptoms of liver disorders. Hemachromatosis causes too much iron to build up in the liver. Symptoms caused by hemochromatosis include:
Talk to your healthcare provider right away if you begin to experience pain in the liver area or any of the other symptoms of liver trouble listed above. You undoubtedly know that the earlier a health problem is diagnosed, the better your odds of getting the treatment you need to cure it. It is certainly true with symptoms of liver trouble.
By Neal Kennedy
Since many people never get an annual physical or liver function tests, it's especially important to become familiar with signs of liver trouble so you can recognize, as soon as possible, that you may have a liver disease or disorder.
Perhaps the clearest sign of a liver disorder is pain in the liver area, which is usually considered to be the right side of your upper abdomen. These other symptoms may appear too, including the following.
- Unusual coughing without symptoms of a cold or flu.
- Unexplained, unusual and chronic fatigue and low energy.
- Nausea accompanied by vomiting and fever.
- You may experience unusually frequent headaches.
- You'll notice irregular bowel habits, especially constipation and diarrhea.
- Unexplained weight loss and reduced interest in eating are typical symptoms of liver trouble.
- Painful joints and muscles.
- Sore throat and a runny nose.
When significant liver damage has occurred, symptoms often include urine that is darker-than-normal, stools that are lighter-than-normal, and jaundice. Jaundice is a liver trouble symptom that is characterized by a yellowish tint that appears in the skin and whites of the eyes..
A condition known as hemochromatosis is another of the more serious symptoms of liver disorders. Hemachromatosis causes too much iron to build up in the liver. Symptoms caused by hemochromatosis include:
- an increase in blood sugar,
- reduced energy levels and a lot of fatigue,
- impotence among men and reduced desire among women,
- women may also find themselves menstruating less often,
- liver function test results that are abnormal,
- hypothyroidism, which is often called low thyroid or underactive thyroid,
- abdominal pain,
- arthritis pain that especially strikes the fingers and hands.
Talk to your healthcare provider right away if you begin to experience pain in the liver area or any of the other symptoms of liver trouble listed above. You undoubtedly know that the earlier a health problem is diagnosed, the better your odds of getting the treatment you need to cure it. It is certainly true with symptoms of liver trouble.
By Neal Kennedy
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- menopause sweating
- menopause sweating naturally
- Methods of teeth whitening
- mint tea
- moisturizing
- muscle pain
- natural
- natural cancer cure
- natural cure
- Natural cure for diabetes
- natural face lift
- natural home remedies eye care
- natural lipoma treatment
- natural pain relief
- natural remedies
- Natural remedies Remedies
- natural skin care
- natural treatment
- natural treatment for cancer
- naturally treat urinary tract infection
- neem
- neem capsules
- neem for acne
- neem supplements
- neem uses
- nutrition
- pain
- pain in the liver
- Pain Relief
- pain relief eczema
- pain relif
- pass
- peppermint
- perennial allergic rhinitis
- pimples
- poor eyesight
- poor vision
- popular cold
- popular drinks
- potassium
- prevents colds
- proven cold remedies
- rash
- recipe
- red blood
- red blood cells
- reduce wrinkles
- relief
- relieve the pain
- relieves allergic rhinitis
- remedies
- remedy
- remove skin tags
- remove stains from teeth
- remove teeth stains
- ring worm
- scalp infections
- scalp psoriasis
- scalp remedies
- School of acupuncture therapy
- Seaweed
- Shiitake Mushrooms
- sinus
- sinus home remedy
- sinus infection congestion
- sinus infection home remedy
- sinus remedy
- skin
- skin care
- Skin Cosmetics
- skin diseases
- skin solutions
- sodium intake
- sore scalp
- spearmint
- stomach
- stomach bloating
- stomach cancer
- stomach pain
- stress
- stroke
- stuffy nose
- swelling
- symptoms of liver trouble
- taking iron pills
- taking iron-rich diet
- tea
- tea tree
- teeth
- teeth care
- teeth stains
- teeth stains help
- teeth whitening
- Teeth whitening kits
- termeric fat
- termeric nutrition
- termeric weight loss
- tips to look
- tips to look young
- tooth bleaching
- tooth whitening
- top of foot pain
- treat kidney stones naturally
- Treatment For Sweating
- tuberculosis
- tumor
- tumour
- ulcer
- UTI natural cure
- vaginal itching
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- vitamins for brain
- vometting
- weight loss
- weight loss supplements
- weight loss tips
- whiten teeth safely
- wrinkles
- wrist
- Wrist pain
- young
- young skin